Exceptional Circumstances Form
The University committee that considers claims treats all information confidentially. If your claim is accepted, lateness penalties may be removed or the opportunity to take an assessment for the full mark may be offered, but existing marks are never altered. Further guidance about the University’s late submissions rules, Exceptional Circumstances, Disability Advice and DSA claims as well as possible outcomes is available from the Student Centre.
Medical evidence should be submitted in support of an application for:
- Late submission of assessment(s) or non-submission of assessment(s)
- Work submitted on time but reflecting poorer than expected performance cause by ill health
- Absence from an unseen examination or other scheduled in-person assessed test
Please note, you must have consulted your GP Practice during, or immediately after, the illness/incident in question. Claims should only relate to unforeseen short-term illness or accident causing actual incapacity, not minor coughs, colds and everyday stresses. You should not make repeated claims for chronic/ongoing conditions affecting your academic progress. Instead, you should contact Disability Advice. If you are already registered with Disability Advice and wish to submit a claim relating to an unforeseen/unexpected flare-up of your condition that meets the criteria above, you may use this form.
These forms can take up to 3 days to complete; however, we aim to complete these as soon as possible.
Once you have received the form back from us, please see the information on the University website regarding the rest of the submission process.