You can request your repeat prescription the following ways:
- Online via our Repeat Prescriptions triage
- Online through Patient Access
- In writing
- In person via the practice reception
Repeat prescription requests cannot be made by phone. You may be required to fill in a form. In any instance, please allow 24 hours notice.
Some medication will require you to have a review or to see a clinician before being given a repeat prescription.
If you want your prescription to be posted, you must enclose a SAE (stamped addressed envelope). We do not fax prescriptions to chemists for routine repeat requests.
Prescriptions can also be sent directly to one pharmacy of your choice. If you wish to register for this service, please complete our online Register for Electronic Prescription form. This is a separate service to our online Patient Access service.
Register now for our online services and get access to repeat prescriptions. Bring photo ID with you to our reception staff.
If you are returning home, or just going home over the vacation period and may require prescriptions during this time, you can leave a stamped addressed envelope (SAE) with us before hand. This means we can then send prescriptions out to you, thus making the process quicker and easier, should you require repeat medication.
Alternatively we can send prescriptions electronically via ERS, to a pharmacy closer to where you will be. This needs to be set up before you go – a phone call is all it takes. Please ensure you change this back upon your return. Failure to do so can result in delays to future medication requests. It is also worth mentioning this when requesting your repeat prescription whilst you are away, to ensure we have the correct pharmacy ‘nomination’.
Students who are 19 and over are not eligible for free prescriptions. For help with prescriptions fill in a form HC1 available from chemists and the surgery. You can also print a HC1 form.
Prescription Fees
From April 2020, NHS Prescription charges are:
- £9.15 per prescription per item
- Three month prepayment certificate £29.65 and will save you money if you need more than three prescription items in a three month period
- Annual prepayment certificate £105.90 and will save you money if you need more than eleven prescription items over a twelve month period
Please visit the NHS website for further information about prescription charges and exemptions from charges.
Patient Injectables
Due to the current Self-Isolation circumstances, we are advising some patients on how to inject themselves – this may be for drugs such as:
- Vitamin B12
- Testosterone
Any injectable therapy would need to be authorised and issued by your clinician.
The steps required for you to be able to self inject safely and easily are:
- Have a consultation with a nurse.
- Read the guideline documents linked below.
- Fill in and email the consent form below back to us.
- The clinician will issue you script electronically to your nominated pharmacy.
Note, we need to have received your completed form before we can issue any injectable medication.
After your consultation you will be advised to fill out and return a consent form. This is to indicate that you understand the instructions on how to inject yourself safely. The form needs to emailed back to us at
Once everything is ready, you should carefully follow the guides below to safely inject yourself.
Self Injection Guides
These documents give you all the information you will need to self inject safely, including links to online retailers for needles and video guides showing self injections. These are only to be used after you have spoken with a clinician and you feel happy doing this yourself.
Plese note, both B12 and Testosterone need to be stored in a cool, dark place within the original packaging and MMR in a fridge, but do not freeze.