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New pregnancy – Schedule of care

Register your maternity care at either:

All you need to do is go to My Pregnancy Matters:

Fill in the form and click ‘send’. You will now be able to contact your community midwife for your first booking appointment.

This is a guide to your midwife appointments during your pregnancy.

6 – 9 WeeksPre-booking appointment this will give you an opportunity to discuss your pregnancy. This will include diet, exercise, scans, blood tests and medical history. You will be asked to complete some paperwork relating to your health. You may have received this from your GP already, if so, please complete it before seeing your midwife. This appointment is 20 minutes.
9 – 11 WeeksBooking appointment. You maternity notes will be completed and you will be given your notes to carry with you. Please bring them to ALL appointments.Your blood pressure will be checked and your urine will be tested, you will also have your blood tests at this appointment. If necessary a referral to an obstetrician will be made depending on your medical history. If your scan has not been booked already, this will be done. If you request screening for downs syndrome, this will be performed at your 12/40 scan and is called the combined screening test. This appointment is 1 hour.
16 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check and urine test. The quad test (screening for downs syndrome) will also be done if you have requested screening and were too late the 12/40 combined screening test. This appointment is 20 minutes.
20 -21 WeeksYou will have your scan at the hospital, this is called the anomaly scan. Please remember to take your maternity notes with you.
24 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check and urine test. Your midwife will also feel your abdomen and measure the growth of your baby. This appointment is 20 minutes.
28 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring the growth of the baby. You will also have another blood test for iron levels, antibodies and diabetes. At this appointment you will need to drink 275ml of plain Lucozade, 45 minutes prior to seeing your midwife. If you are Rhesus negative you will have an appointment to have Anti-D at the hospital. This appointment is 20 minutes.
31 -32 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring your baby’s growth. For first pregnancies this check will normally be with your GP. This appointment is 20 minutes.
34 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring your baby’s growth. Your blood will be tested for iron levels if your Hb was low at 28 weeks. If you are Rhesus negative you will have your Anti-D appointment at the hospital. This appointment is 20 minutes.
36 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring your baby’s growth. This appointment is 20 minutes.
38 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring your baby’s growth. This appointment is 20 minutes.
40 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring your baby’s growth. This appointment is 20 minutes.
41 WeeksRoutine appointment for blood pressure check, urine test and measuring your baby’s growth. At this point your midwife will discuss induction of labour with you. A membrane sweep will be offered at this point, it is hoped that this may help to start your labour. Your midwife will also book a date with the hospital for induction. This appointment is 20 minutes.

Moulsecoomb children’s centre

Karen – Midwife

Moulsecoomb Children’s Centre
Hodshrove Lane

01273 294040


Page published: 22 July 2024
Last updated: 16 October 2024